Episode 123: The Prince of Podcasting With Jay Acunzo

Have you ever wanted to become a professional creative? To make a living with your own voice and words and thoughts and actions?

I know I have.

And if there's ever a person to learn from... it's Jay Acunzo.

Jay started his career in the marketing world and eventually made the switch to life as a full-time podcaster, author, showrunner, and speaker; sharing his knowledge gained in the business world with others looking to rise above all the average content out there. He got so good at running his own show, that dozens of others now go to him to help launch, run, and sometimes even host their shows.

Jay dabbles in a little bit of everything, but at the end of the day he's a storyteller. And while he says he's not there yet, his goal is to one day become the "Anthony Bourdain of the Business World." I'd say he's well on his way.

If you want to check out Jay's work you can find him on his podcast, Unthinkable, you can read his book, Break The Wheel, or you can just check out his website jayacunzo.com to see all the other creative things he's up to.


Episode 124: Hope for the Homeless Featuring GiveCard


Episode 122: Meet the Meat Gang With Kured